subota, 24. prosinca 2016.

ponedjeljak, 12. prosinca 2016.

7.artOmat 2016

sa zadovoljstvom Vas pozivamo na 7. artOmat, nekonvencionalan umjetnički sajam
otvorenje sajma 16.12.2016., petak u 19h
Meštrovićev paviljon, Dom HDLU-a, Trg žrtava fašizma 16, Zagreb

"artOmat – sajam nekonvencionlanih umjentičkih premdeta koncipiran je kao platforma koja afirmira različite aspekte umjetničkog stvaranja i kreativnog izražavanja. Posjetiteljima artOmat želi omogućiti priliku za kreativnim izražavanjem i edukacijom, mogućnost kupnje originalnih predmeta, podržavajući pritom mikro-proizvodnju koja rezultira statistički rijetkim i individualiziranim proizvodima. artOmat povezuje različite sudionike kreativne scene, potiče kolaborativne umjetničke projekte te ima za cilj inspirirati publiku putem jedinstvenih i interaktivnih događanja aktivno sudjelujući u razvoju kulturne scene grada u vrijeme Adventa u Zagrebu. Za sudjelovanje na artOmat-u izlagači se prijavljuju putem natječaja, a sve prijave ocjenjuje stručni žiri. Svake se godine predstavi 70 i više izlagača, a ulaz na sajam, kao i sav popratni sadržaj, posjetiteljima je besplatan."

"artOmat – an unconventional artistic fair was designed as a platform that promotes various forms of artistic creation and creative expression. To its visitors, artOmat wants to provide an opportunity for creative expression and education where they also get a chance of buying original presents for Christmas, while supporting micro-production with statistically rare and individualized products. artOmat connects various associates of creative scene (art, craft, design), encourages collaborative Art projects, and aims to inspire the audience through a unique and interactive events participating actively in the development of the cultural scene during the Advent of Zagreb. For participation in artOmat, exhibitors apply through a competition and the jury assesses all the applications. Each year, over a 70 exhibitors are presented, and the entrance to the fair, as well as any supporting content, is free for all the visitors."

Radno vrijeme / Working hours:

petak / 16. prosinac 2016. / 19 h / otvorenje

Friday / 16 December 2016 / 7 p.m. / opening

subota – nedjelja / 17. – 18. prosinac 2016. /  11 – 21 h

Saturday – Sunday / 17 – 18 December 2016 / 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. 

ponedjeljak – petak / 19. – 23. prosinac 2016. / 12 – 21 h

Monday – Friday / 19 – 23 December / 12 p.m. – 9 p.m.


From the new collection  SimpleLine 

subota, 10. prosinca 2016.

Exhibition opening... Winter ICKX gallery

POPS winter selection 

earrings, resin, pigments, sterling silver
hand made

A special attention has been taken in the selection so that you find the perfect gift for Christmas, unique or realized in small series and for all budgets.
A selection of very selected contemporary jewelry and a small selection of objects.

Twenty Belgian and foreign creators, young and confirmed will be present for this exhibition:
Caroline Andrin - Olga Angusto - Nevin Arig- Cécile Betrand - Florence Bourgeois- Isabelle Carpentier - Florence Coenraets - EleKtre - Anne Goy - Noana Giambra - Ruth Hollywood - Selma Houissa - Audrey Ickx - Sylvie Jousset - Christine Keyeux-Schnöller - Sabina Kolonic - Claire Lavendhomme - A.M-O - Ana Pina - Alain Roggeman - Lou Sautreau- Dominique Thomas Vansteenberghe - Diederick van Hövell - Karen Vanmol - Eve Vaucheret - Heike Walk - Vanessa Williams...

Come to discover the new exhibitors on Sunday,11 around a good glass of warm wine with a delicious homemade treats from 3p.m to 6p.m.
Exhibition is on display untill 04.03.2017.

ICKX Contemporary Jewelry
Avenue Georges Henri 435, 1200 Brussels, Belgium