ponedjeljak, 12. prosinca 2016.

7.artOmat 2016

sa zadovoljstvom Vas pozivamo na 7. artOmat, nekonvencionalan umjetnički sajam
otvorenje sajma 16.12.2016., petak u 19h
Meštrovićev paviljon, Dom HDLU-a, Trg žrtava fašizma 16, Zagreb

"artOmat – sajam nekonvencionlanih umjentičkih premdeta koncipiran je kao platforma koja afirmira različite aspekte umjetničkog stvaranja i kreativnog izražavanja. Posjetiteljima artOmat želi omogućiti priliku za kreativnim izražavanjem i edukacijom, mogućnost kupnje originalnih predmeta, podržavajući pritom mikro-proizvodnju koja rezultira statistički rijetkim i individualiziranim proizvodima. artOmat povezuje različite sudionike kreativne scene, potiče kolaborativne umjetničke projekte te ima za cilj inspirirati publiku putem jedinstvenih i interaktivnih događanja aktivno sudjelujući u razvoju kulturne scene grada u vrijeme Adventa u Zagrebu. Za sudjelovanje na artOmat-u izlagači se prijavljuju putem natječaja, a sve prijave ocjenjuje stručni žiri. Svake se godine predstavi 70 i više izlagača, a ulaz na sajam, kao i sav popratni sadržaj, posjetiteljima je besplatan."

"artOmat – an unconventional artistic fair was designed as a platform that promotes various forms of artistic creation and creative expression. To its visitors, artOmat wants to provide an opportunity for creative expression and education where they also get a chance of buying original presents for Christmas, while supporting micro-production with statistically rare and individualized products. artOmat connects various associates of creative scene (art, craft, design), encourages collaborative Art projects, and aims to inspire the audience through a unique and interactive events participating actively in the development of the cultural scene during the Advent of Zagreb. For participation in artOmat, exhibitors apply through a competition and the jury assesses all the applications. Each year, over a 70 exhibitors are presented, and the entrance to the fair, as well as any supporting content, is free for all the visitors."

Radno vrijeme / Working hours:

petak / 16. prosinac 2016. / 19 h / otvorenje

Friday / 16 December 2016 / 7 p.m. / opening

subota – nedjelja / 17. – 18. prosinac 2016. /  11 – 21 h

Saturday – Sunday / 17 – 18 December 2016 / 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. 

ponedjeljak – petak / 19. – 23. prosinac 2016. / 12 – 21 h

Monday – Friday / 19 – 23 December / 12 p.m. – 9 p.m.


From the new collection  SimpleLine 

subota, 10. prosinca 2016.

Exhibition opening... Winter selection...at ICKX gallery

POPS winter selection 

earrings, resin, pigments, sterling silver
hand made

A special attention has been taken in the selection so that you find the perfect gift for Christmas, unique or realized in small series and for all budgets.
A selection of very selected contemporary jewelry and a small selection of objects.

Twenty Belgian and foreign creators, young and confirmed will be present for this exhibition:
Caroline Andrin - Olga Angusto - Nevin Arig- Cécile Betrand - Florence Bourgeois- Isabelle Carpentier - Florence Coenraets - EleKtre - Anne Goy - Noana Giambra - Ruth Hollywood - Selma Houissa - Audrey Ickx - Sylvie Jousset - Christine Keyeux-Schnöller - Sabina Kolonic - Claire Lavendhomme - A.M-O - Ana Pina - Alain Roggeman - Lou Sautreau- Dominique Thomas Vansteenberghe - Diederick van Hövell - Karen Vanmol - Eve Vaucheret - Heike Walk - Vanessa Williams...

Come to discover the new exhibitors on Sunday,11 around a good glass of warm wine with a delicious homemade treats from 3p.m to 6p.m.
Exhibition is on display untill 04.03.2017.

ICKX Contemporary Jewelry
Avenue Georges Henri 435, 1200 Brussels, Belgium

četvrtak, 3. studenoga 2016.

Body module.....Modul tijela .... izlozba / exhibition

         nausnice/earrings                         bros/brooch                                 ogrlica/necklace

Modul Tijela, koncept 
Tijelo = modul = mjera/mjerilo moguci je obrazac koji potvrđuje da gotovo sve sto je nosivo na tijelu kao ukras, uz svoju primarnu funkciju moze biti i nakit.
Tri jednostavna predmeta; pluteni cep, konac i igla, uz minimalnu intervenciju, postaju nakit.

predmeti su u potpunosti nosivi
svaki element je sa paznjom odabran kako bi odgovarao standardu nosivog nakita

Body Module, concept
Body = module = measurement/scale confirms the possible form that almost everything wearable on the body as decoration, with its primary function can be jewelry.
Three simple items; cork, thread and needle with minimal intervention, placed on the body become jewelry.

 the pieces are completely wearable
 each element is carefully selected to match the standard of wearable jewelry

online catalog

and a little bit of movement

utorak, 12. srpnja 2016.

Tuber Aestivum contemporary jewelry collection...

 ogrlica; smola, pigmenti, konac, stakleno zrnje
necklace; resin, pigments, thread, glass seed beads

nausnice, igla; smola, pigmenti, srebro
earrings, pin; resin, pigments, sterling silver



Ljetni ili crni tartuf
Summer or "black" truffle
handmade contemporary jewelry 

petak, 17. lipnja 2016.

POPS colors...contemporary resin jewelry collection

POPS colors, part of
contemporary resin jewelry collection

POPS colors
water, sky, sea...

the shades of olive oil

the shades of red wine

workshop segment for the new shape of POPS
resin, pigments, sterling silver

subota, 7. svibnja 2016.

POPS colors...new shape... workshop segments

smola, pigmenti, srebro
resin, pigments, sterling silver

segmenti iz studija; mali dio procesa izrade POPS kolekcije
segments from the studio; a little bit of the POPS making process

srijeda, 4. svibnja 2016.

POPS Colors....

It is all about colors!!

nausnice, smola, pigmenti, srebro
rucni rad

earrings, resin, pigments, sterling silver
hand made

ogrlica POPS proljece
smola, pigmenti, gorski kristal, konac
rucni rad

necklace POPS spring
resin, pigments, rock crystal, thread
hand made

...work still in progress...

četvrtak, 25. veljače 2016.

COLOR,COLORS...exhibition announcement

It is my pleasure to be a part of the COLOR, COLORS exhibition at ICKX Contemporary Jewelry

ICKX Contemporary Jewelry is pleased to invite you at "COLOR, COLORS" exhibition.
Exhibition opening is on 3.03.2016. 18:00-21:00h, at Avenue Georges Henri 435, Brussels, Belgium.

Color, colors:
We can observe an infinity of colors which vary according to their brightness, intesity and luminosity. The color is not only a physical and perceptive phenomenon; it is also very complex cultural construction which is very difficult to analyze and to summarize... read more

Around twenty creators young or confirmed, Belgian or foreign offer you their interpretation of contemporary jewelry, still in a graphic aesthetic, sober to minimalist!


Nevin Arig - Isabelle Azaïs - Yafit Ben Meshulam - Cécile Bertrand - Louis Bruyneel - Ellis Cameron - Isabelle Carpentier - Jitka Dvorakova - EleKtre - Noana Giambra - Anne Goy - Audrey Ickx - Sylvie Jousset - Ana Pina - Christine Keyeux - Sabina Kolonic - Claire Lavendhomme - Lous - Floriane Leblong - Sana Lopez - Lupu Andra - Emilie Rouquié - stAen - Zeta Tsermou - Diederick van Hövell - Vanessa Williams

Opening hours of the ICKX gallery;
Tuesday to Saturday from 11:00 am to 6:30 pm
Avenue Georges Henri 435, Brussels, Belgium

The exhibition is on display untill 30.07.2016.

nedjelja, 21. veljače 2016.

srijeda, 17. veljače 2016.

The contemporary jewelry exchange 2015

The Contemporary Jewelry exchange is an art project where the jewellery artist from around the world are paired and asked to create a unique piece of jewelry for each other.
The exchange is published as an online exhibition and in a printed book.
More about exchange on fb and web pages

I was glad to be paired with Louise, jewellery artist from United Kingdom.

More about Louise You can find on fb and web pages.

Louise Seijen ten Hoorn
United Kingdom
“The Red String of Fate” is a concept that originates in Asian legend. Sabina and I chose to work with this idea that those who are destined to meet one another are already connected by a magical red cord.
I like to think of my work as being small wearable sculptures. I get excited about the shape and proportion of things and am especially drawn to beautifully flowing curves such as those found in human anatomy. For Sabina I created a piece that opens and contains a red thread. It can be worn as a ring or as a pendant.
Red String of Fate Locket & Ring
Silver, silk
Sabina Kolonić Croatia
Work that I make is a result of deep thoughts and contemplations, driven by a constant desire for understanding, exploring life and all that makes it a wonder. I translate it into the pieces, take apart, reduce to the fundamental core shapes and symbols. Meeting Louise was a beautiful experience, we have recognized our common minds, found our red thread so the process and the result were a pure joy.
The Red Thread in eleven for Louise : necklace off loom beadweaving

The Red Thread in eleven for Louise
necklace, off loom beadweaving
glass seed beads, thread on wood and metal construction

Portrait photo courtesy by dear friend B.Bartolac
Photo of the piece: Anibas
all rights reserved

petak, 15. siječnja 2016.

Art & Craft Design Award ....

This year the juri made their selections from among 225 nominated participants 
from 43 different nations.

For the outstanding quality and originality of your works,
the jury of the ARTS & CRAFTS DESIGN AWARD 2015 awarded you with the

Certificate of Excellence

 pieces presenting my work


Necklace / Brooch
one piece, different possibilities

Thank You!